重量:2.6 kg
口徑:5.5 mm
總長:106 cm
air arms熱銷全球款s410 tdr,廣受全球玩家歡迎,全因它近乎完美性能追求零瑕疵的設計,涵蓋玩家所有需求,屏除多餘性能,擇其最大特色,是可快速組裝、拆卸收納至原廠搭配的後 背式隨身箱。獨特的備用彈輪放置空間位於貼腮部下方,最多可放置兩個10發式彈輪,可調式墊肩,槍栓拉柄式上膛,s410特色組裝式空氣槍,玩家絕對愛不釋手。
the tdr is a full-specification s410 hunting rifle and it’s fitted with every feature that makes be taken apart in seconds and packed into its compact carrying case. the tdr packs down with its scope fixed, so it stays in perfect zero, ready to be assembled in less than 20 seconds to provide that renowned s410 performance. perfect for those situations where discreet, convenient transportation is required. the tdr’s custom case becomes a backpack, allowing anyone to take it anywhere a truly effective sporter is needed.